Using the Workforce mobile app, mobile workers complete assignments in the field and sync updates they've made while working offline.
Mobile workers using the Classic version of Workforce, listed as Workforce for ArcGIS, will only have access to Classic projects. To learn more about Classic projects, see Complete your first assignment (Classic) and Tips for mobile workers (Classic). To migrate Classic projects to ArcGIS Workforce, see Migrate Classic projects.
For more information, see What is a Classic project.
Prepare for work
Before going out into the field, download the map you'll be working with and review the work you'll be doing for the day.
Download the map
While in a connected environment, download the map you'll be working with for the day. Once downloaded, you can work with the map and list of assignments with or without an internet connection.
- Open the Workforce mobile app and sign in using your ArcGIS account if you are not already signed in.
If you are only participating in one Workforce project, the map automatically starts downloading. Once downloaded, the map opens.
If you are participating in more than one Workforce project, the Maps list appears. This list contains a map for every project you are associated with. The maps have the same names as the projects they are associated with.
- Tap the map you'll be working with for the day.
You are prompted to either download the map or view the map details.
You can always view the map details later after downloading the map. Do this by tapping the overflow menu on the map card.
- Tap Download.
If the project owner created a map area for the project, it downloads to your device. If the project owner did not create a map area for the project, the Workforce layers and any sync-enabled reference layers are downloaded.
While you can still work in a disconnected environment without a map area, you may lose access to your basemap data. It is recommended that you create a map area for each project. For more information, see Create a map area.
Once the map is downloaded, it appears in the On device section of the Maps list.
- Tap the map to open it.
- Allow Workforce to access your location when prompted. Tap Always Allow or Allow While Using App.
Your location appears on the map. This allows the dispatcher to view your location in the web app.
Understand the map
Familiarize yourself with the layers and legend in the map.
- Tap Overflow
and tap Layers
The Layers panel appears. The default Workers and Assignments layers appear as well as any feature layers added to the Worker map by the project owner. Use the toggle button next to each feature layer to turn its visibility on and off.
The Workers and Assignments layers cannot be turned on and off.
If ArcGIS Tracker is installed on your device, the My Tracks layer is listed in Layers
. You can tap the Tracker link under this layer to open Tracker. For more information, see Is location tracking supported in Workforce.
- Tap Overflow
and tap Legend
The map legend appears.
Review outstanding work
Before you start work for the day, review your To do list. What you see depends on the assignments your dispatcher assigned to you.
- Open the map.
The map opens and your To do list appears. Tap To do or Completed to switch between the two lists.
- Tap Sort to sort assignments by priority, distance, due date, date assigned, or assignment type.
- Tap an assignment to view its details.
The assignment details appear. You can view the priority, due date, who assigned it, and any notes.
Sign in to other apps
If the project owner integrated other apps with the project, you need to sign in to those apps with the same credentials you used to sign in to Workforce.
Work on assignments
Once you've downloaded the map, reviewed your to-do list, and signed in to the other apps you'll be using, you are ready to work on assignments.
Route to an assignment
Route to an assignment using ArcGIS Navigator or any of the navigation apps already on your mobile device.
- Open the map that corresponds to the Workforce project you'll be working on.
- Select the assignment you want to route to by tapping it in the To do list.
- Use ArcGIS Navigator or any other navigation app on your device to route to the assignment.
- Use ArcGIS Navigator—In the assignment details, tap Navigate to Assignment. Navigator opens on your device and generates a route to your assignment.
This option only appears if ArcGIS Navigator is downloaded on your device.
- Use a different navigation app—In the assignment details, tap Directions. A list of navigation apps that are installed on your device appears. Tap the app you want to use and allow Workforce to open it. The app opens, generating a route to your assignment.
While viewing the Maps list, tap Profile
to configure the Directions settings.
When you have completed the route to your assignment, you are prompted to return to Workforce.
- Use ArcGIS Navigator—In the assignment details, tap Navigate to Assignment. Navigator opens on your device and generates a route to your assignment.
Work on an assignment
Start work on an assignment.
- In the assignment details, tap Start to begin working on an assignment.The assignment is started, and you can now tap Finish in the assignment details when you've completed it. If you need to set it to a different status, select it from the assignment status options in the Overflow menu
If you start the wrong assignment, you can reset it by tapping Overflowand tapping Reset. This reverts the assignment from In progress to Assigned.
next to Finish.
If Workforce has a network connection, it will update any changes you make to an assignment in the feature layer within your organization. This allows the dispatcher to view near real-time status updates. If Workforce does not have a network connection, it will make the change locally to the device. The changes will be uploaded when an automated sync or manual sync occurs. See Sync your work for more information.
Add notes to an assignment
Add a note to an assignment.
- In the assignment details, tap Add note.
- Type the information you want your dispatcher to see and tap Done.
Attach photos, videos, and audio recordings to assignments
Attach photos, videos, and audio recordings to assignments to provide additional information. In the assignment details, tap Take Photo to take and attach a photo. Tap Attatch to record video and audio and to attach other photos from your device.
You can limit the size of photos you attach to assignments by specifying the Photo Size parameter in Settings.
There are maximum size limits for each file you attach. If you're using ArcGIS Online, the maximum file size for each file is 10 MB. If you're using ArcGIS Enterprise, the default maximum file size for each file is 2 GB, but this can be configured by your administrator. If you are attaching a large video, Workforce attempts to compress it and apply downscaling so it can be attached.
You can also view, rename, and save files that are already attached to an assignment. Tap the thumbnail of an attachment to download it (if it's not already downloaded), and tap it again to view it full screen. To rename or remove an attachment, long press its thumbnail. To save a photo or video to your device, view it full screen and use the actions menu .
Attaching photos and videos to an assignment does not attach them to the asset associated with the assignment. If you need to use attachments to record the state of an asset, or other information you want to be available outside the scope of a particular work assignment, attach it through Collector or Survey123 instead of Workforce.
Contact the dispatcher
The dispatcher's name is included in the assignment details. If the dispatcher has a contact number in the project, their name appears as a link, which can be used to call or send a message to them.
If a dispatcher's name isn't a link, they don't have a contact number. Contact your project owner to get one added, or ask the dispatcher to update their details in the project.
Find and contact other mobile workers
When viewing the map, you'll see other mobile workers and their working status. The color of the status icon indicates their status: blue for working, orange for on break, and gray for not working. The locations displayed when mobile workers are on break or not working reflect their last location when working and may be out of date.
Search for another mobile worker, or tap one on the map to view their details, including a contact number if one is provided in the project. Tap the contact number to call, or long press it to take other actions with it, such as a FaceTime call. You can send a message, add the mobile worker to your contacts, or copy the number. To navigate to the mobile worker, tap Directions or Navigate to Assignment.
While viewing the Maps list, tap Profile to configure the Directions settings.
Open Field Maps, Collector, Explorer, and Survey123 through Workforce
Your project owner may have configured Workforce so that it is integrated with Field Maps, Collector, Explorer, and Survey123. While you can still directly open and use those apps independent of Workforce, your project may be configured to open a particular map or survey, or (for Field Maps, Collector, or Survey123) to pass information such as the GlobalID, assignment ID, or location to the integrated app. When you use Workforce to open the integrated app, the project owner's configuration is honored. The appropriate map or survey is opened. A new collection or survey can be started at the specified location, and the GlobalID, assignment ID, and location from the assignment can be shared with the new collection or survey as desired by the project owner.
Depending on the app integrations set up by the project owner, you may see one or more of the following options when viewing the assignment details:
- Open in Field Maps—Opens ArcGIS Field Maps
- Collect at Assignment—Opens ArcGIS Collector
- Explore at Assignment—Opens ArcGIS Explorer
- Survey at Assignment—Opens ArcGIS Survey123
If the app you are opening isn't downloaded on your device, you are taken to a page with instructions on how to download the app.
Field Maps integration is supported on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 and later.
Take a break
When you set your status to On break, your location isn't updated. This notifies the dispatcher that you are taking a break and your current location may be out of date.
- Tap the status indicator at the bottom of the assignments list.
- Tap On break.
- Set your status back to Working to indicate that your break is over.
Sync your work
If you are in an area without a reliable data connection, or any data connection, your To do list and changes made to assignments are stored locally on your device. Sync allows you to send and receive updates any time you regain internet connectivity. When you sync updates, you send your assignment and worker status updates to the Workforce web app. You also receive any updates to assignments made by the dispatcher or other mobile workers. Workforce has a default automatic sync that occurs every 15 minutes as long as there is an internet connection. If you have local edits to assignments, worker status, or location, the sync occurs more frequently—every minute while the app is displayed on the device.
If you set a refresh interval on the Assignments layer, Workforce automatically syncs every minute.
Automatic sync only occurs when the app is displayed in the foreground of your device. It does not occur when the app is running in the background.
While working in the map, tap Sync (
if you have edits that aren't synced) to open the Sync panel. In the panel, review the edits you made (if any) and tap Sync Now.
Update the map
Some changes to the map don't appear by syncing work. The following changes require you to reload the map on your device:
- Symbology changes
- Added or removed layers
- Updated layer schemas (including added and removed fields, as well as updated lists and domains)
- Updated search capabilities
- Changes to pop-ups
Find the map you want to update in the Maps list, tap Overflow on the map card, and tap Reload.
Finish working
When you are done working, set your status to Not Working. This notifies your dispatcher that you are done for the day. If a different mobile worker will be using your device the next day, sign out of Workforce and any other apps you signed in to with your ArcGIS account.