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snippet: These Summary Reports and associated Technical Reports describe climate change effects in each of Caltrans’ 12 districts. The Summary Reports provided a high-level review of potential climate impacts to each district’s portion of the State Highway System, while the Technical Reports present detail on the technical processes used to identify these impacts. Detailed information by district is found here:
summary: These Summary Reports and associated Technical Reports describe climate change effects in each of Caltrans’ 12 districts. The Summary Reports provided a high-level review of potential climate impacts to each district’s portion of the State Highway System, while the Technical Reports present detail on the technical processes used to identify these impacts. Detailed information by district is found here:
accessInformation: Caltrans Division of Transportation Planning, Climate Change Branch
maxScale: 5000
typeKeywords: []
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>A database containing climate stressor geospatial data indicating changes in climate over time (e.g. temperature rise and increased likelihood of wildfires) was developed as part of this study. These GIS layers for this report is expected to be a valuable resource for ongoing Caltrans resiliency planning efforts and coordination with stakeholders. Caltrans will use this data to evaluate the vulnerability of the SHS and other Caltrans assets, and inform future decision-making. It also provides resilience: The ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, or more successfully adapt to adverse events. Wildfire Level of Concern and Exposed Caltrans State Highway System in Future Years. Caltrans Transportation Asset Vulnerability Study. Fire modeling data provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency, Dominique Bachelet at the Applied Climate Science Lab at the University of Idaho, and Dr. Leroy Westerling at the University of California Merced. The data shown were generated by downscaling global climate outputs, feeding them into predictive fire models, then selecting the model showing the maximum cumulative burn proportion for each cell over the future time period of interest. Detailed information by district is found here:</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
title: 2019 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments Wildfire Exposure 2070 to 2099 RCP 8.5
tags: ["Transportation","Climate Change","Vulnerability Assessment","Cliff Retreat","SLR","Sea Level Rise","Storm Surge","Wildfire"]
culture: en-US
minScale: 150000000