{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Postmiles is used to display postmile locations on a digital map display, or to query for the purposes of finding a specific location reference by county, route, and postmile. Postmiles are coded with the district, county, route, postmile prefix (if any), postmile, and postmile suffix (if any). The source of data is the Caltrans TSN (Transportation System Network) database. \n\nTwo additional fields - PMInterval and AlignCode - should be understood by the user for effective use of this data set (refer to the Entity and Attribute Information section of this metadata). \n\nPMInterval indicates the interval on which the postmile falls: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, or 10. This field is handy for drawing a subset of postmiles at desired intervals, for example this Definition Query will tell ArcMap to draw postmiles only at 1 mile intervals: \"PMInterval\" >= 1 Though the vast majority of postmiles fall on a 0.1 (tenth mile) or larger intervals, postmiles are included that fall on a smaller interval. Examples are the beginning or end of a route or county, or at an equation point. These postmiles can be identified through use of the \"HwySegment\" field that contains codes of \"Begin County\", \"Begin Segment\", \"Mid Segment\", \"End Segment\", and \"End County\". Begins and ends of routes are coded \"Begin County\" and \"End County\". A Definition Query that would tell ArcMap to draw postmiles only at 1 mile intervals or the begin of county would be: \"PMInterval\" >= 1 OR \"HwySegment\" = 'Begin County'\n\nAlignCode indicates if the postmile is on a Right alignment, Left alignment, Right Side of an independent alignment, or Left Side of an independent alignment. Where TSN considers most state highways to have just a centerline, the underlying linework that the postmiles are based upon has a line for each direction. On undivided highways the right and left lines are identical. On divided highways the right and left are separated, but TSN treats the segment as a single centerline. In the last case where highways are not only divided but also have...", "description": "
Postmiles are valid postmile points at 0.1 (1/10th) mile intervals, based on the Caltrans Linear Referencing System. Exceptions that are included are the beginning and ends of routes (and other situations) that don't necessarily begin or end on the even 0.1 mile interval. This geometry is based upon the extraction from TSN on 10 October 2022.<\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "Postmiles is used to display postmile locations on a digital map display, or to query for the purposes of finding a specific location reference by county, route, and postmile. Postmiles are coded with the district, county, route, postmile prefix (if any), postmile, and postmile suffix (if any). The source of data is the Caltrans TSN (Transportation System Network) database. \n\nTwo additional fields - PMInterval and AlignCode - should be understood by the user for effective use of this data set (refer to the Entity and Attribute Information section of this metadata). \n\nPMInterval indicates the interval on which the postmile falls: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, or 10. This field is handy for drawing a subset of postmiles at desired intervals, for example this Definition Query will tell ArcMap to draw postmiles only at 1 mile intervals: \"PMInterval\" >= 1 Though the vast majority of postmiles fall on a 0.1 (tenth mile) or larger intervals, postmiles are included that fall on a smaller interval. Examples are the beginning or end of a route or county, or at an equation point. These postmiles can be identified through use of the \"HwySegment\" field that contains codes of \"Begin County\", \"Begin Segment\", \"Mid Segment\", \"End Segment\", and \"End County\". Begins and ends of routes are coded \"Begin County\" and \"End County\". A Definition Query that would tell ArcMap to draw postmiles only at 1 mile intervals or the begin of county would be: \"PMInterval\" >= 1 OR \"HwySegment\" = 'Begin County'\n\nAlignCode indicates if the postmile is on a Right alignment, Left alignment, Right Side of an independent alignment, or Left Side of an independent alignment. Where TSN considers most state highways to have just a centerline, the underlying linework that the postmiles are based upon has a line for each direction. On undivided highways the right and left lines are identical. On divided highways the right and left are separated, but TSN treats the segment as a single centerline. In the last case where highways are not only divided but also have...",
"title": "TenthPMs_20221010_TSN",
"tags": [
"type": "",
"typeKeywords": [],
"thumbnail": "",
"url": "",
"minScale": 150000000,
"maxScale": 5000,
"spatialReference": "",
"accessInformation": "California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)",
"licenseInfo": " Postmiles is made available to the public solely for informational purposes. Information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge and is subject to change on a regular basis, without notice. While Caltrans makes every effort to provide useful and accurate information, we do not warrant the information to be authoritative, complete, factual, or timely. Information is provided on an \"as is\" and an \"as available\" basis. The California Department of Transportation is not liable to any party for any cost or damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the access or use of, or the inability to access or use, the Site or any of the Materials or Services described herein. <\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>"